Working with  adolescents (13 years of age and over)

It is natural for young people to pull away from their parents in order to individuate during adolescence.  But this can be difficult for them and their parents when emotional difficulties arise.  A young person feeling under pressure may not feel comfortable sharing their troubled thoughts with parents or even with their friends. Adolescence is a time of rapid change and brain re-organisation.  This can bring some over-whelming emotions from time to time.  Often all a young person needs is a free and protected space where they have the freedom to express thoughts, beliefs and emotions.

Obviously a therapist needs to keep all clients safe and where there are concerns about self-harm or risky behaviours, the young client is supported to share their issues with their parents and seek other interventions when necessary.

The use of creative materials depends on the individual, but many young clients use art work or sand tray materials to express thoughts and feelings that are not easy to put into words.  Clients are encouraged to engage with techniques such as relaxation and cognitive behavioural techniques to help with anxiety and to build resilience.

How therapy is structured & the cost:

Young clients are asked to commit to six sessions initially and then there is a review.  The initial number of sessions are about getting to know the client and meeting their needs.  Therapy is an ongoing process, however some clients do not want to continue after their initial six sessions.

For younger adolescents (13 yrs to 14 yrs) the process begins with a parent only intake session which will take 1 hour.  When the young person comes for their first session, parents are included at the beginning of the session for 15 to 20 minutes if the client wants them to be there.

It is important to note that the young person's sessions are private & confidential, unless there is a concern about the young

person's well being.

The CHOICE to be part of the intake session with parents and/or the review sessions, is up to the young person.

Adolescents 15 years to 17 years come to the intake with their parents (if they CHOOSE).  This is to get background information and to clarify concerns.  People over 18 years of age are adults and attend on their own terms.

The cost for the parent intake session is 80 euros and thereafter each 1 hour session with the young client is 80 euros.  Parent review sessions are also 80 euros and are for 1 hour.

Book recommendation all about adolescents: For parents and adolescents:

 Brainstorm by Dr. Dan Siegel External link opens in new tab or window